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3 Simple Rules That Lead To Effective Teamwork

3 Simple Rules to Effective Teamwork in Agile Teams

In Georgia, we have a quote about teamwork - you can break one arrow, but never a bundle. That is how teamwork was perceived centuries ago when our ancestors realized how crucial working in teams was. Even today, teamwork is a significant aspect of business success. To create a good product or service in agile infrastructure, you need reliable cooperation between your team members.

We want to share the top 3 simple rules that lead to effective teamwork.

1. Build teams with motivated individuals

In agile infrastructure, the team unites professionals from different disciplines who have the same goals and motivation - complete the task successfully. Agile teams are usually 3 to 10 tight-knit people who collaborate and create valuable products. To provide efficient teamwork, build teams around motivated individuals who can work reliably without management oversights. To do so, the company should provide support and trust.

It takes time to form collaborative relationships between agile team members. Time is important for members who used to work alone to adapt to agile and adjust to the new role as a member of the team.

Businesses should build teams with passionate people who are enthusiastic about their collaboration, support each other and reach goals together.

2. Provide psychological safety

Based on a study by Google, in agile infrastructure, the skills of individuals are less critical than the dynamic of the team. Additionally, members could take risks without feeling insecure or embarrassed in the best-performing team.

Psychological safety is one of the significant elements of teamwork. It helps everyone to brainstorm ideas that might sound silly at first. Usually, the most creative ideas form during the discussion, and they lead teams into success.

Disagreements are part of the healthy working process. Nevertheless, team members should feel psychological safety to voice their ideas and contribute valuable details to projects. When a team unites with the same values, personal conflicts never happen, but members concentrate more on shared goals and trust each other more.

3. Encourage continuous improvement

Agile teams usually reflect on their previous projects and search for ways to improve for the future by themselves. Based on several types of research, they tend to solve problems and plan new approaches for the future without the help of management and mentoring. Yet, if you built a team of motivated people, you should ask them to schedule meetings to reflect on previous projects and suggest improvements.

Best-performing teams listen to new suggestions carefully and adjust their plans accordingly. Besides project goals, offer to measure other values, like time distribution, task quantity, streamline, etc.

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In conclusion, building agile teams is a time-consuming process that needs dedication and many resources. You should build teams around motivated people, provide psychological safety, and encourage continuous improvement.

Team Up builds customized digital teams for European companies in operations, marketing, and design. We value teamwork, dedication, and progress and recruit talents who seek opportunities to develop professionally. Our talents are very familiar with the agile infrastructure and can work on different projects based on clients' requirements.


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